© 2021 The Restorers of Mount Carmel in Maryland, Inc. | PO Box 1795 La Plata, MD 20646
This website's purpose is to provide a historical resource to the general public. Data, photos, etc. have been gleaned from both private and public sources. Material from private sources is copy righted and may not be used without the written consent of the owner.

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Membership is the life blood of any organization, so we treasure our members and that's why this site was developed--to keep you informed, and to make it easy to enroll your family members and friends.

To become a member, simply download and complete your membership form using the link below. 

Once completed, please return your membership application to:
The Restorers of Mount Carmel in MD, Inc.
PO Box 1795
La Plata, MD 20646

Please make checks payable to:
The Restorers of Mount Carmel in Maryland, Inc.